Saturday 9 August 2008


I dunno. My batty writer decided to ask how I was doing. So instead of asking moi, she asked my publishers, Salt.

Well, I suppose it is six months coming up since I was borned. So, like you take other babies to get weighed and have things stuck in their ears and things, and injections... yerk... I can have an MOT via how many peoples are buying moi, and things like that.

(I am very pleased that I don't have to have injections. My batty writer hates them, and it's genetic. I hate them too even though Ive never had one. I have been glued together though - a painful procedure - and I have been folded in half and sliced in a guillotine. YOU try it. It's not nice.)

Anyway. There is a widget on Amazon, and my batty writer can see where I am relative to sales of other stuff on there, and so far so good... but it doesn't tell you how many of me are whizzing around out there in identical pink jumpers.

Anyway, Mrs Salt-person who is called Jen, was packing to go on holiday and she works hard and needs one, I think. So she couldnt do all the calculations, but sent an email to say:

"Your book's doing well."

I suppose that is what writers of things like moi want to hear.

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