Friday 3 April 2009

I Went to University..

I dont know what all the fiuss is about. Anyone can go to University.

Yes they can. I did. Look. I went to a University called Oxford. It is not true at all that you have to have exams to go there. I have not even started school yet and I am there, on a table, in something called a Literary Festival.

My batty writer was there, on a panel for another book. Not moi. So I wont mention it but you can go and read it on her other blog. If you must.

But I was there, too. Lots of me, and she signed me lots of times, and seemed pleased. I am on a special table for signed books, right in the middle of a huge tent caklled a marquis. Or a duke. or something. They go to Universities like Oxford, you see.

Mind you, I reckon they must be a bit hard up. Their buildings are so OLD. You'd think they could afford to build something more up to date, wouldnt you?
Look, there I am, sitting up. next to the other book, which I wont mention but its called One World.

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