Sunday 20 January 2008

The Difficult Question of Reviews

It's vital that a book is reviewed independently. But how on earth do you achieve that?

I have to say I am impressed with the numbers of Salt titles that end up with a review in the broadsheets, and of course, that would be a real dream. Every review is valuable. Its out there for people to read... giving the book a stronger profile every time. (Of course, you can do nothing to influence the content... you just have to hope... but the exposure is GOOD.)

And like everything else, I can't sit back and assume it's just going to happen. I need to do my bit.

So, anywhere I see books reviewed seriously, I email to ask whether it might be possible... and it is lovely to report that several have said 'yes, send me a copy'.


Aside: I am a reviewer myself, for The Short Review LINK HERE

If you want to find insights into short story collections, new and classic, take a look.

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