Monday 5 May 2008


See I thought you could read a book all on your own.

I mean, I do. Red Book 3 is dead good. Much better than Red Book 2. AND I CAN READ IT ALL ON MY OWN.

So why do big grown up people have to read in groups? Something really fishy going on here. I don't think they CAN read on their own, and that's why they need to be in sixes. Or sevens.

Anyway, my batty writer went up to Scotland to talk to two reading groups. TWO! All together. So see... I was right... they can't read on their own at all. Not even in one book group. They need TWO.

Anyway. They had read Moi, and asked loads of questions. And one lady was going to go off and order Moi from a library. And another was going to go to a school to ask if they could read Moi at the school.

And one said I was 'dark'. What, Moi? Dark?

I said, 'Why d'you think I've got my back to you on the cover?' but no one listened. Not even my batty writer.

It was good fun, though. And it was really nice that they'd read Moi. Even if they had to do it in a group.

Back to Red Book 3.

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