Tuesday 1 April 2008

And another nice 'review' thing

I've been over to my batty writer's blog, and she's wittering about being in the local Waterstone's Newsletter.

I dunno what all the fuss is about. They only said this... (well, and interviewed her as well. It'll all go to her head... just you wait...)

"... contains some of the most beautifully crafted and engrossing stories that one can read,...a rare talent...characters becoming real as she relates their tales with wit, compassion and an unflinching eye."

Yes but, no but. Look! This is moi they are talking about. Not my batty writer. Look! 'CONTAINS' they said. SHE doesn't contain all that stuff, I do....

give a girl her due...




Sue Guiney said...

Wow! What a review. Congrats! To tell you the truth, I'm getting petrified. What's worse? A bad review or no review at all? See you at The Poetry Cafe tonight? Maybe? xo

Vanessa Gebbie said...

Hi Sue

You have NO need to worry at all... you will have fabulous reviews!

Ive just got back from chatting to the people at Waterstones, Borders and an independent bookshop in Brighton... (it's 6.00 pm...) so I'm not going to get there... have a wonderful evening.