Saturday 5 April 2008

Reviewed in Mslexia

It is amazing to watch my batty writer opening the post then sitting down with a cup of tea to read a review in a magazine called Mslexia.

Then I see it's a review of me!!! Oh I'm famous. Must be!

And I'm with that Taking Pictures by Ann Enright again... only she, of course IS A GENIUS IN CAPITAL LETTERS, and my batty writer isn't. No way! She's got that Taking Pictures book. I've seen it. I don't think she likes it though cos she keeps saying Oh God and shaking her head when she reads it. I said she was batty.

And another book is reviewed called Far North and other Dark Tales by Sara Maitland... I expect my batty writer will buy that one now.

But the reviewer did say some nice things about me, and I'm dead pleased. And they used a picture of MOI to illustrate the reviews... but I'm not surprised. I AM rather lovely.

They said this:

'wide range and variety' (of all of Moi)

'poetic...fragile world brought to life...poignant finality deftly captured' (of Kettle on the Boat)

'Dylan Thomas echoes...blithe and energetic narrative drive... emotional weight carefully kept in balance...' (of I Can Squash the King, Tommo)

'Characters teem throughout the collection... boldly takes on different voices'

'The stories...are riveting'

"The humour is especially enjoyable..'

"Serbian Vera is a character in the otherwise sad Irrigation who is simultaneously tragic and hilarious to great effect.'



Tania Hershman said...

How absolutely lovely for the batty writer, you go girl! And great that Bubble has its own blog, so it can express its words freely. Wheee!

Vanessa Gebbie said...

Yes! It's my friend Tania... when she says 'wheeee!' I think of going down a slide with the wind in my face.